Athlete performance probiotics
Innergy is the world’s first probiotic powerfood designed specifically for athletes and active people. It was created by Biotic Athlete, who took 20 years of research and development around organic probiotics and evolved the formula to meet the needs of modern athletes.
Our brief was to create a brand identity for this innovative product, with the following objectives:
To create an instantly recognisable brand identity with the potential to become iconic.
To develop a memorable brand name that reflects the product attributes.
To educate and engage an emerging market on the benefits of athlete probiotics.
Strategy and Positioning - Story and Messaging - Brand Identity - Website Design - Packaging

Naming Strategy
Unlock the power within
Originally named Biotic Athlete, we needed a name that was catchy, memorable and clearly communicated what the product offered. We needed the name to position the product in a unique space, and were conscious of sounding too much like a pre-workout drink or quick pump product.
We developed the compound name ‘Innergy’ to reflect that the greatest engine we have comes from within, and the key to unlocking athletic potential is optimising gut health and nutrition.

Changing lives from the inside out
Our design revolves around a wordmark and visual identity that is inspired by what goes on inside us.
We created a condensed wordmark with strong typography and a change of weight for the Ns to suggest dynamic movement. The logo’s double NN icon has been crafted to symbolise the twisting tube within the organ system and can be separated to act as a distinctive brand mark.
This bold logo is paired with a minimal background, to showcase the purity and quality of the ingredients.

Get the Edge!
Innergy’s primary brand colour is green, which is rooted in nature and relates to the product’s 100% natural organic ingredients. Red is used as the contrasting colour – symbolising blood, fire and energy – while providing a bold and distinctive look in market.

Power to Perform
Imagery is key to disrupting the category, which is rife with workout and training scenes. Our approach was to break our photography into three types, reflecting the full story of the athlete’s journey.
1. Preparation
Authentic moments of the athlete in training as well as recovering after a session.
2. Performance
In the moment action, performance and speed.
3. Podium
Capturing the winning moments and the athlete’s emotion.